Electrocoagulation Systems
Electrocoagulation is an electro-chemical process that simultaneously removes heavy metals, suspended solids, emulsified organics and many other contaminants from water using electricity instead of expensive chemical reagents. The process uses electricity and sacrificial plates to combine with contaminants in a waste stream, producing insoluble oxides and hydroxides that are easily separated from the clear water.

Wock-Oliver's Electrocoagulation Systems will provide:
Excellent Results (i.e. Low Concentrations)
Treatment levels are typically below the capabilities of conventional chemical precipitation. This makes electrocoagulation the method of choice for operations discharging under permits with low limits.
Peace of Mind
Helps in compliance with regulatory obligations.
Low Capital Costs
Standard packages and engineered systems are attractively priced. Systems may be designed to retrofit your current wastewater treatment system, resulting in substantial savings over current operations.
Low Operating Costs
Operating costs can be dramatically reduced. If you no longer pay for reagent chemicals, can reduce polymer consumption, reduce filter press operations, reduce solid sludge generation, wouldn't you save a lot of money?
Simultaneous Treatment
A remarkable aspect of Wock-Oliver’s electrocoagulation systems is that several contaminants can be treated simultaneously. This eliminates the need to segregate waste streams and treat them separately. Most chemicals you use to treat the waste are no longer required. The process will also accept a wide pH range.
No or Low Chemical Reagent Use
In many cases (especially the "Slam Dunk" wastes) the use of chemicals for treatment is eliminated.
Better Metals Removal
The metals concentrations in the effluent are lower than chemical processes can attain. Electrocoagulation technology is not bound by the rules of hydroxide solubility curves resulting in a greater flexibility.
Much Better for R/O
Low or no use of reagents reduces the sodium, sulphates and chlorides in your effluent. So R/O systems have much lower dissolved solids to remove, they can be sized for lower pressure saving capital and operating costs.
Chemical Reagent Elimination or Reduction
pH adjustment is often not necessary. An increase in pH during our process and the lower solubility of iron-metal oxides allows a much wider raw waste pH range than typical chemical processes.
Lower Sludge Quantities Created
Lower (or zero) use of reagents dramatically reduces the amount of sludge produced resulting in lower disposal costs. Could be 40% to 60% reduction in sludge over chemical methods.

Electrocoagulation Process


Step 2: Coagulation